What is Shiatsu?

Shiatsu (指壓法) is an ancient Japanese treatment method. Literally translated, Shiatsu means “finger pressure.” Shiatsu is a manual body-oriented therapy that is closely related to acupuncture and works with the same meridians and pressure points. Both rely on the life energy (Ki) and on the self-healing ability of the body. In Shiatsu, however, the therapist does not work with needles, but with the hands, knees and elbows.


Appropriate pressure is applied along specific energy pathways (meridians) to enhance energy flow. It activates the body’s natural healing power, reducing symptoms of illness and increasing vitality. Shiatsu allows the body to recognize again how to truly relax. As a result, the functioning of body functions improves, and the body regains its natural resistance, resilience and ability to recover and regenerate. Because of this, shiatsu also has an important preventive effect. Shiatsu is used to relieve a variety of problems, including back pain, neck and shoulder problems, stress, insomnia, digestive problems and fatigue. Shiatsu is based on Eastern medicine and philosophy. It considers and approaches the human being and health in a holistic way and thus a fundamentally different way than we are used to in the West. Shiatsu is not an ‘alternative’ medicine, but rather complementary to Western medicine.


  • Fatigue, stress & burn-out
  • Back, neck & shoulder problems
  • Muscle & joint disorders
  • Insomnia & restlessness
  • Digestive complaints
  • Headaches & migraines
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Menstrual problems
  • Physical disorders
  • Emotional imbalances & mood swings
  • Low immunity

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Shiatsu treatments are given the traditional Japanese way at Zentai. This involves lying on a comfortable futon (布団: a Japanese cotton-filled mattress) on the floor. Due to hygiene and corona measures, we ask that you bring a towel to lie on.

With Shiatsu therapy, blockages and imbalances in the meridian system are detected, diagnosed and treated. So that the energy can flow freely again. Specific complaints are thus relieved, overall health is promoted and resistance increases. For the treatment, wear comfortable, light clothing without buttons and zippers. During the massage you remain fully clothed. The massage works through the clothing. The “Zen-shiatsu” style used was developed by Shizuto Masunaga (1925-1981). Masunaga grew up in a family of Shiatsu practitioners and blended traditions from classical shiatsu with Chinese medicine and Western psychology. He also refined age-old diagnostic methods from shiatsu during the same period. He named his method Zen Shiatsu to confirm the kinship between his approach and the spirituality of the Zen Buddhists in Japan.

A session takes 60 - 70 minutes.

The massage is traditionally given on a futon mat.

Wear thin, comfortable clothing without buttons and zippers.

Bring your own towel to lay on.

Depending on your preference, we may/ may not wear mouth guards.

Rates & Insurance

  • Shiatsu treatment – € 85,- per session*

* The treatments I carry out as a qualified and certified shiatsu therapist are in most cases partially reimbursed with supplementary health insurance.


In Japan Shiatsu is a regular therapy but in the Netherlands Shiatsu still falls under complementary / alternative care. For regular Shiatsu therapists, treatments are partly reimbursed by health insurance companies with supplementary health insurance. Whether this is the case with your insurer can be checked on the site of the dutch shiatsu association Shiatsuvereniging Nederland and Zorgwijzer: (www.zorgwijzer.nl/vergoeding/shiatsu-therapie#vergoedingen).

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About me

My name is Stanley Sie. I live in Amstelveen with my two children Senna and Panck and our two cats Yuki and Nori. I come from a family that largely consists of medical professionals; general practitioners, neurologists, dentists, surgeons, psychiatrists, acupuncturists and pharmacists. I myself decided to follow my own path and preferred a creative profession.

Over the years as a freelancer in the creative sector, things began to fray: I felt that something was still missing. After some drastic events, I felt an emerging desire to bring a broader, more meaningful, less commercially driven and more personal meaning to my work. During this process, I became fascinated and inspired by the art of Shiatsu. I recognized many parallels to my life; my Asian roots, my family background of medical professionals, my practice of yoga & martial arts, my passion for craft and my interest in Buddhism. I decided to follow my heart, develop further and master the art of Shiatsu.

  • 2020 – 2021 | Year training Iokai Shiatsu – Amsterdam
  • 2021 – 2024 | Training Zen Shiatsu – Joyce Vlaarkamp – Amsterdam
  • sept 2022 | Masterclass weekend Masunaga – Haruhiko Masunaga – Amsterdam
  • jun 2023 | Seminar Kata’s & Meridians – Kazunori Sasaki – Marrakech
  • sept 2023 | Masterclass weekend 8 Extraordinary Vessels – Oda Meiberg – Amsterdam
  • oct 2023 | Healing Tao | Seminar Wisdom Qigong & Iron Shirt Qigong – Mantak Chia – Amersfoort


Below is a list of common questions. Is your question not listed? Then send an email to info@www.zentaishiatsu.nl or call: 06 -1468 5747.

A massage lasts a minimum of 70 minutes. Including a brief reception and preliminary discussion. Are you coming for the first time? Then we start with an intake; the total treatment then takes about 90 minutes.

Shiatsu, like acupuncture, is based on the meridian system and traditional Eastern medicine. Ki (life energy) flows along these meridians throughout our body. It regulates and harmonizes different body functions. If this flow of Ki is out of balance or blocked, we feel tension in our body. Our organs function less well and we feel fatigue. If this is not given attention it can lead to various complaints and disorders. With Shiatsu therapy the blockages and imbalances in the meridian system are detected and treated. So that the energy can flow freely again and your body can restore itself.

Compared to physical therapy and Western sports massage, shiatsu is generally milder: the focus is not on the muscles and bone system but on the energy pathways in the body. So it works particularly on an energetic level. Shiatsu looks for the points in the body where energy stagnates and blocks, and allows it to flow freely again. In order to get to the essence, it is important that you remain relaxed and do not cramp up. Shiatsu has an important preventive effect in maintaining health and it is therefore advisable to be treated regularly.

During a session, you lie on a futon on the floor. It is best to dress comfortably, preferably clothing without buttons and zippers. For example, a long-sleeved shirt and sweatpants. During the massage, you remain fully clothed. The massage works through the clothing. So there is no direct skin contact, with the exception of the hands and neck. Bring a towel or bedspread to lie on.

As a certified shiatsu therapist, my treatments are in most cases partly reimbursed with supplementary insurance. You can check whether your insurance covers shiatsu therapy via the following link: www.zorgwijzer.nl/vergoeding/shiatsu-therapie#vergoedingen.

In the following situations, a shiatsu treatment is not possible:

  • Fever
  • Viral infections
  • Open wounds
  • After an operative procedure


During pregnancy, Shiatsu can help prevent and relieve typical complaints. It is very important to inform me about pregnancy prior to treatment; I can then take into account pressure points to be treated and avoided.

Yes. You can cancel the appointment up to 24 hours before the appointment. If you cancel within 24 hours before the appointment I will unfortunately be forced to charge you. You can cancel by sending an email to info@www.zentaishiatsu.nl.


I work at 2 locations: In Amstelveen (Monday, Wednesday) and Amsterdam (Friday). Other days and evenings in consultation. Appointments can be scheduled easily and directly via the online session planner. You can also call me for more information: 06 1468 5747.

The treatment facility in Amstelveen is located in the Paramedic Center Paramedisch Centrum Augustinus – Augustinuspark 4. A collaboration between several healthcare providers; Rutgers Fysiotherapy, Nutrimotion Orthomoleculair Therapy, La Strata Cranio-Sacral Therapy en Zentai Shiatsu therapy. The treatment room in Amsterdam is located in the Shiatsu Centrum Amsterdam – Lutmastraat 182-A in Amsterdam-Zuid, a collaboration of enthusiastic Shiatsu therapists.

Paramedisch Centrum Augustinuspark | Augustinuspark 4 - Amstelveen
Shiatsu Centrum Amsterdam | Lutmastraat 182-A - Amsterdam-Zuid